Terms and Conditions

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 Terms and Conditions regulate how the Real Estate Online Platform collects, uses, retains, and discloses information obtained from users (each, a “User”) of the https://ashiyaan.com/ website (“Site”). This privacy statement applies to the Site as well as any products and services provided by the Ashiyaan Online Real Estate Platform.

Personal identification information

In conjunction with the activities, services, features, or resources we make accessible on our site, we may collect personally identifiable information from users in variety of ways. Our  site can be accessed anonymously by users. We will only gather personally identifiable information from users if they willingly provide it to us. Users can always refuse to provide personal identification information, but doing so may restrict them from participating in certain site-related activities.

Non-personal identification information

When users engage with our site, we may gather non-personally identifiable information about them. Non-personal identifying information may include the browser name, computer type, and technical information about the user’s means of connection to our site, such as the operating system and Internet service providers used, among other things.

Web browser cookies

Our site may employ “cookies” to improve the user experience. Cookies are stored on a user’s hard drive by their web browser for record-keeping and sometimes to track information about them. Users can configure their web browser to refuse cookies or to notify them when cookies are sent. If they do, keep in mind that some aspects of the site may not work properly.

Your agreement to these clauses

By using this site, you agree to the terms of this policy. Please do not use our site if you do not agree with this policy. Your continued use of the site after changes to this policy are posted will be deemed your acceptance of those change


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